About the books
30-second video trailer for the Neil Peel books.
Tiffney Townsend interviewed Ben about his books in the March 2025 edition of her excellent Children’s Literature Podcast.
Ben Dixon’s new fantasy book is out now! Ben Dixon’s new book, Vengeance and Honour: A Heroic Quest is now out to buy…
Ben Dixon was interviewed by Alex Mingoni of notforvanity.com about his inspiration and writing process. Read the full interview on their website. Hi…
Neil Peel’s Holiday is “clever, clever, clever”!
You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but an eye-catching design is essential if you want to attract potential readers.
Ben Dixon’s Neil Peel adventures update a rich, longstanding British storytelling tradition: the comic coming-of-age novel.
6) What trick do Neil and Lemony play on their grandparents?